The main focus of this project was to find the best fitting model parameters to represent a data set of reaction velocities and substrate concentrations. In an ideal situation, the data could be perfectly modeled by the Michaelis-Menten curve shown in the image with the red curve. The equation to model this is shown below the graph. V0 refers to the reaction velocity v. How we obtain V0 from the set of data will be further discussed later. Vmax refers to the maximum reaction velocity or the asymptote at which the red curve approaches. Km is the substrate concentration that corresponds to a reaction velocity that is half Vmax. And S is the substrate concentration.
In this project, we were given 5 enzymes to analyze: A, B, C, D, E. Each enzyme had a test 1 and an extra test 1 duplicate. We therefore had 10 sets of data in total. Our first step was to obtain the V0 values from each set of data. For each set of data, we were given 10 seperate initial substrate concentrations and we could therefore determine 10 sets of points on the graph (i.e. (S1, V1), (S2, V2)... (S10, V10)). The main challenge in this project was to determine the best fit Vmax and Km parameters in the Michaelis-Menten Equation to represent the 10 sets of points we have found from the data. We combined two fundamental steps in order to solve this nonlinear regression problem. The first step involved an algebraic approach while the second step involved mixing and matching our potential Vmax and Km candidates. Finally, we apply gradient descent to further improve the resulting Vmax and Km values from the previous steps. Our ultimate goal is to be as accurate as previously discovered methods such as the Eadie–Hofstee diagram, Hanes–Woolf plot and Lineweaver–Burk plot.
The Excel data and algorithm written on MATLAB can be found here.